all postcodes in DY2 / DUDLEY

find any address or company within the DY2 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY2 7AD 4 4 52.511265 -2.079449
DY2 7AE 10 6 52.510698 -2.080376
DY2 7AG 5 3 52.510384 -2.080052
DY2 7AJ 2 1 52.512423 -2.078753
DY2 7AL 41 1 52.512055 -2.077795
DY2 7AT 3 2 52.510987 -2.078447
DY2 7AU 4 1 52.511066 -2.077823
DY2 7AZ 10 3 52.512085 -2.076636
DY2 7BJ 13 11 52.510426 -2.080415
DY2 7BL 12 11 52.510356 -2.081113
DY2 7BS 24 5 52.509519 -2.078999
DY2 7BT 12 2 52.508076 -2.076791
DY2 7BX 1 1 52.507977 -2.075775
DY2 7DF 48 0 52.504761 -2.072778
DY2 7DH 33 1 52.506061 -2.074057
DY2 7DJ 63 14 52.506078 -2.07469
DY2 7DL 11 1 52.509583 -2.076715
DY2 7DN 19 3 52.508819 -2.076375
DY2 7DP 15 0 52.508694 -2.07499
DY2 7DQ 1 1 52.506619 -2.077452